Man pages for USGS-R/NWCCompare
Returns NWC comparison stats for two daily data sets

build_nwc_flow_datasetBuilds a date, streamflow, drainage area dataset of NWC...
build_nwis_dv_datasetBuilds a date, streamflow, drainage area dataset of NWIS site...
calculate_GoF_statsFunction to calculate Goodness of Fit statistics
calculate_GoF_summary_statsFunction to calculate monthly annual GoF statistics
calculate_other_flow_statsFunction to return the OtherStats statistics for a given data...
calculate_stat_cvFunction to return the coefficient of variation for a given...
calculate_stat_flow_percFunction to return the requested flow percentiles for a given...
calculate_stat_nseFunction to return the Nash-Sutcliffe value between two data...
calculate_stat_nselogFunction to return the Nash-Sutcliffe value between the...
calculate_stat_pbiasFunction to return the percent bias between two data series
calculate_stat_rmseFunction to return the root mean square error between two...
calculate_stat_rmsneFunction to return the normalized root mean square error...
calculate_stat_rsrFunction to return the ratio of the root mean square error to...
calculate_stats_by_groupFunction to calculate statistics of daily flow by group for...
calculate_stats_diffsFunction to calculate the differences in statistics for two...
get_local_dataFunction to return flow data from a locally stored file
get_nwc_hucGet WFS polygon for a watershed.
get_nwc_wb_dataGet data from an NWC source.
get_nwis_nwc_siteGet an NWIS site that matches the HUC in question.
mod_dataSample modeled data for demonstration purposes
obs_dataSample observed data for demonstration purposes
parse_swe_csvFunction to return NWC Intercomparison portal modeled data...
USGS-R/NWCCompare documentation built on May 9, 2019, 6:10 p.m.