Man pages for Vitalic57/stratbuilder2pub
It Provides Tools to Create and Backtest Financial Models

addDataAdd user data
addDistributionAdd distribution
addDistributionConstraintAdd constraints to distributions
addDockerAdd dockerfile and create docker container on the server
addIndicatorAdds indicators to strategy
addIndicatorsAdd multiple indicators to strategy
addObjectAdd user-defined objects to modelStrategy for future usage in...
addPMCreator for position manager.
addProgramPartAdds variables to strategy
addRuleAdds rule or variable to strategy
addStatThis variable will be included to program and after calling...
addTradeTimeAdds time when trading is permitted
applyParamsetServerDo backtest of combinations from paramset
clearDataClear data that has been specified before
clearTradeTimeRemove trading time by type
cloneStrategyCopy modelStrategy object
deleteOldDataDelete backtest data from model
deleteParamsetRemove paramset from strategy
deletePyModelDelete settings of python model
DiffWork as function diff, but remains NA in the beginnig.
download_examplesDownloads directory of examples of some user
evaluateEvaluate strategy in contest
getBacktestResultsResults of backtest
getBetaDataGet/set name of table for calculating coefficients.
getBetasIntReturn if you have a need to convert betas to int. It is TRUE...
getCapitalReturn money in position
getDatasetsGet available datasets
getDateByIndexGet dates by indexes from modelData
getDistributionsGet list of distributions
getExpandingLookbackget expandingLookback
getIgnorePositionGet variable ignorePosition.
getIndicatorsGet inforamtion about indicators in the model
getLookbackGet window for calculating coefs
getLookForwardGet window how far the same coefs will be used
getMaxLookbackGet window for calculating indicators
getModelDGet modelData object from modelStrategy object
getMoneyReturn sum money of models inside portfolio
getParamsGet list of parameters according to type.
getPMGets all position managers
getPmAfterOpenGet pmAfterOpen.
getPnLGet pnl as xts series
getProgramPartsGet list of variables(program parts)
getPublicNameGet public name of user. It will be defined after you submit...
getPyModelGet settings of python model
getReportCalendarReport of strategy year by year
getReportStrategyReport of strategy
getReportTradesReport of trades
getRulesGet inforamtion about rules in the model
getSavedModelsReturn Saved Models
getScoresGet scores from submitted model
getSpreadDataGet/set name of table for building spread.
getToleranceBetaGet tolerance of betas computation
getTradeTimeGets tarding time of strategy
getWaitAfterCloseGet waitAfterClose. If it is true, then new open will be...
interruptSimulationInterrupt simulation on the server
modelPortfoliocreates modelPortfolio object
modelStrategycreates modelStrategy object
peek_examplesPeek examples
performServerSend your strategy to server for backtesting.
plotCalendarPlot pnl in month-year matrix
plotCapitalPlot Capital of strategy
plotDrawdownsPlot drawdowns
plotParamsetPlot paramsets
plotPnLPlot change of pnl through backtest period
plotReturnsPlot returns vs MAE/MFE
plotShinyPlot interactive distribution params
plotStrategyPlot open and close position
plotTableDraws 5-D graph with axis x,y,size,color,symbol, which are...
printTradeTimePrints trading time in format of time
proportionOsFunction for volume in rule
reinitStatReinit all variables in stats
removeIndicatorRemove indicator by name
removeRuleRemove rule by name
removeStatDeletes variable from stats
sameMoneyOsFunction for volume in rule
scp_downloadDownload files from the server
scp_uploadUpload files to server
setBetaSet rule for calculating spread.
setBetasByMoneySet/Get betasByMoney variable
setBetasIntSet TRUE if you have a need to convert betas to integers.
setBetaTableSet your coefficients for any moment
setCommissionSets commission to model
setExpandingLookbackset expandingLookback
setIgnorePositionGet variable ignorePosition.
setLookbackSet window for calculating coefs
setLookForwardSet window how far the same coefs will be used
setMaxLookbackSet window for calculating indicators
setModelDSet modelData object to modelStrategy object
setMoneySet amount of money to modelPortfolio object.
setParamsSet list of parameters
setPmAfterOpenGets pmAfterOpen.
setPyModelSet python model
setPyModelParamsSet params of python model
settingsChange some settings
setToleranceBetaSet tolerance of betas computation
setUserDataSelect data to backtest.
setWaitAfterCloseSet waitAfterClose. If it is true, then new open will be...
setWeightSet new weight for modelPortfolio object
ssh_connectConnect to server
ssh_infoGet info about the session
submitSubmit strategy to contest
update_packageUpdate this package
upload_exampleUpload example to server
uploadPyModelUpload python model to server
Vitalic57/stratbuilder2pub documentation built on Dec. 18, 2019, 2:56 a.m.