Man pages for WinVector/FastBaseR
Fast grouped opertions in base R

argmax_gCompute per-group arg-max
cummax_gCompute per-group cumulative maxs
cumsum_gCompute per-group cumulative sums
cumsum_g_no_NACompute per-group cumulative sums
FastBaseR'FastBaseR': Fast cumulative grouped operations in R
last_in_each_groupBuild the indexes of last indexes for each group
life_stepForward sep a square matrix one iteration of Conway's come of...
mark_first_in_each_groupMark the first row in each group of rows.
max_gCompute per-group maxs
read_cellsRead life text file format.
sum_gCompute per-group sums
write_mat_regionWrite a region of a life board.
WinVector/FastBaseR documentation built on May 21, 2019, 4:04 a.m.