Man pages for XD-DENG/ECharts2Shiny
Embedding Interactive Charts Generated with ECharts Library into Shiny Applications

deliverChartDeliver the Chart in the UI Component of Shiny Applications
loadEChartsLibraryLoad the Javascript Library File of ECharts to the Shiny...
loadEChartsThemeLoad the Theme File of ECharts to the Shiny Application
renderBarChartRender the Bar Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny...
renderGaugeRender the Gauge Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny...
renderHeatMapRender Heat Map Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Applications
renderLineChartRender the Line Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny...
renderPieChartRender the Pie Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny...
renderRadarChartRender the Radar Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny...
renderScatterRender the Scatter Plots Plotted by ECharts into Shiny...
renderTreeMapRender Interactive Tree Map into Shiny Application
renderWordcloudRender the Word Cloud Plotted by ECharts into Shiny...
XD-DENG/ECharts2Shiny documentation built on Oct. 8, 2020, 10:51 a.m.