Man pages for Yangcq-Ivy/NicheBarcoding
Niche-model-Based Species Identification

bak.virbak.vir data set, a class of matrix.
en.viren.vir data set, a class of RasterBrick.
extractSpeInfoExtraction of taxon/species and distribution information
LappetMothsLappetMoths data set, a list of 8 data frames.
monophyly.propCalculate the proportion of monophyletic group on a tree
NBSINiche-model-Based Species Identification (NBSI)
NBSI2Niche-model-Based Species Identification (NBSI) for a prior...
niche.Model.BuildEcological niche model building using the randomForest...
niche.PCAPrincipal component analysis of ecological niche among...
pseudo.absent.pointsGeneration of pseudo absent points for niche model building
pseudo.present.pointsGeneration of pseudo present points for niche model building
spe.mantel.testMantel test between interspecific pairwise genetic distance...
Yangcq-Ivy/NicheBarcoding documentation built on Aug. 9, 2024, 9:50 p.m.