Man pages for YuanTian1991/ChAMP
Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline for Illumina HumanMethylation450 and EPIC

Block.GUIGenerate interactive plot for the result of champ.Block()...
champ.BlockIdentify Differential Methylation Blocks in Illumina...
champ.CNAInference of Copy Number Abberrations from intensity values.
champ.DMPIdentify Differential Methylation Positions (DMP) and Numeric...
champ.DMRApplying Bumphunter, DMRcate or ProbeLasso Algorithms to...
champ.ebGSEAEmpirical Bayes GSEA method.
champ.filterDo filtering on beta, M, intensity, Meth and UnMeth matrix.
champ.GSEADo GSEA for DMP, DMR and other methylation data related...
champ.importRead data from IDAT file.
champ.imputeConduct imputation for NA value on beta matrix and...
champ.loadUpload of raw HumanMethylation450K or HumanMethylationEPIC...
champ.normNormalization for HumanMethylation450 or HumanMethylationEPIC...
ChAMP-packageChAMP-Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline
champ.processProcess function to run all methods in ChAMP pipeline.
champ.QCPlot quality control plot, mdsplot, densityPlot, dendrogram...
champ.refbaseApplying References-Base Methold to beta valued methylation...
champ.runCombatFunction that uses ComBat to correct for batch effects....
champ.SVDSingular Value Decomposition analysis for batch effects...
CpG.GUIGenerate interactive plot for summary information of a list...
DMP.GUIGenerate interactive plot for the result of champ.DMP()...
DMR.GUIGenerate interactive plot for the result of champ.DMR()...
QC.GUIGenerate interactive plot for Quality Control of a dataset
YuanTian1991/ChAMP documentation built on Feb. 21, 2023, 1:13 p.m.