Man pages for YuriNiella/RSP
Refined Shortest Paths

addCentroidsAdd group centroid location to an existing plot
addRecapturesAdd recapture locations to an existing plot
addStationsAdd receiver stations to an existing plot
animateTracksAnimate the RSP tracks
breakByTimeframeSplit detections every time "timeframe" hours pass.
calcRSPRecreating RSP for a particular tracked animal
calculateDBBMMCalculate the dBBMM for each group
checkDupTimestampsIdentify and remove duplicated timestamps
checkGroupQualityPerforms a series of quality checks on the detection data.
checkTrackPointsExclude tracks with less than 8 detections
checkTrackTimesExclude tracks shorter than 30 minutes:
clipLandClip land areas from the dbbmm output
combineCombine a list of vectors
compileTrackInfocompiles summary information for the tracks used in the dbbmm
dynBBMMTotal dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Model
getAreasCalculate water areas per group or track
getAreaStepCalculate dBBMM and overlapping areas in steps
getCentroidsGet centroid locations of dBBMM
getDistancesGet total distances travelled
getDistPointCalculate in-water distances from RSP locations to a point of...
getOverlapsCalculate overlaps between different groups
groupDetectionsPrepare detections for the dBBMM
includeRSPRecreating RSP for all tracked animals
input.exampleExample acoustic data filtered with actel
minuteTimeConvert numeric time to HH:MM
nameTracksIdentify potential fine-scale data for analysis
pipePipe operator
plotAreasPlot areas
plotContoursPlot dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Model (dBBMM) contours
plotDensitiesDensity plot of elapsed times between consecutive acoustic...
plotDistancesPlot total distances travelled
plotOverlapsPlot overlapping contours
plotRasterCheck input data quality for the RSP analysis
plotTracksPlot the RSP tracks
prepareDetectionsPrepare detection data for RSP calculations
roundDownForcefully round a number down
roundUpForcefully round a number up
runRSPCalculate refined shortest paths between detections
suggestSizeSuggest plot dimensions for a given raster
toUTMConverts coordinates to UTM projection
trimDetectionsSelect specific transmitters to analyze
YuriNiella/RSP documentation built on Feb. 15, 2025, 1:59 a.m.