Man pages for ZTerechshenko/TreatyDiffusion
Application of Temporal Exponential Random Graph Model (TERGM) and Network Inference model to the UN treaties diffusion process

distance00This is data that contains distance between capitals for...
distance75This is data that contains distance between capitals for...
edgelistThis is data that contains edgelist
IVs00This is data that contains independent variables for...
IVs75This is data that contains independent variables for...
netinf_dynamicA Function to create estimates for network inference for each...
tergm_1975A Function to run TERGM for the Cold War years
tergm_2000A Function to run TERGM for the post-Cold War years
tradelist00This is data on trade flows between states (as defined by the...
tradelist75This is data on trade flows between states (as defined by the...
ZTerechshenko/TreatyDiffusion documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:51 a.m.