Man pages for Zabados/LcvGen
LcvGen : Generarting simulated land cover data.

AddBufferAddBuffer adds blank cells around habitat patches.
ArrayToAscArrayToAsc converts an array to asc format modifying and...
CreateWorldCreateWorld sets up an initial matrix with the focal patches...
ExtractWindowExtractWindow extracts a defined region of an array.
FillTheMatixFillTheMatix adds habitats 2 to the number of MatrixHabs to...
FillTheMatix_specificFillTheMatix_specific adds habitats of specified type to the...
GenerateLandcoverGenerateLandcover creates a ascii land cover dataset with a...
GrowBufferGrowBuffer adds a cell of habitat when growing habitat...
headerheader is the header for a asc file. This is a bit of a...
LcvGen-packagePackage for creating simulated ascii land covers
Zabados/LcvGen documentation built on Oct. 15, 2020, 6:23 a.m.