Man pages for a-b-street/abstr
R Interface to the A/B Street Transport System Simulation Software

ab_jsonConvert geographic ('sf') representation of OD data to 'JSON...
ab_saveSave OD data as JSON files for import into A/B Street
ab_scenarioGenerate A/B Street Scenario objects by disaggregating...
ab_sfConvert JSON representation of trips from A/B Street into an...
ab_time_normalGenerate times for A/B scenarios
leeds_site_areaDatasets from Leeds
montlake_buildingsExample OSM Buildings Table for Montlake
montlake_odExample OD Table for Montlake
montlake_zonesExample Zones Table for Montlake
pipePipe operator
sao_paulo_activity_df_20Example Activity data for São Paulo
sao_paulo_activity_sf_20Example Activity data for São Paulo
a-b-street/abstr documentation built on April 22, 2022, 7:38 p.m.