Man pages for adam-s-elder/amar
Statistical Test for the Multivariate Point Null Hypotheses

accept_rateEstimate the local acceptance rate
add_oth_pvalsAdd Other p-values
bonf_testRun a bonferoni based test
calc_gam_starA helper function for mv_pn_test, calculating the test...
est_powsEstiamte the power using the generated test statistic, and...
find_magFind the multiplicative distance of a specified alternative...
gen_boot_sampleGenerate a multiplier bootstrap sample
gen_exp_copFunctions for creating data
gen_normGenerate observations from a normal distribution
gen_one_samp_mdGenerate data from a poission random variable while still...
gen_one_samp_miGenerate data from a poission random variable while still...
gen_pois_sampGenerate data from a poission random variable while still...
get_test_statHelper function for the Zhang and Laber tests (ZL and... for calculating the influence function used for the...
ic.pearsonPearson Correlation IC and estimate
ic.proj.rrEstimate both the parameter, and the influence curves used...
ic.proj.rr.nolasEstimate both the parameter, and or the influence curves used...
laber_testCarry out the test described by Zhang and Laber
look_ICThis a function used to look at the IC.
l_p_normA function used to calculate various L_p norms
mag_for_powThis function is used to estimate the magnitude needed for a...
make_dataGenerate data using one of the four specified models from...
mv_pn_testRuns a multivariate point null test. This function returns an...
pval_for_magCalculate the estimated p-value for a given observed...
rr.msm.icEstimate both the parameter, and the influence curves used...
rr.msm.jn.icEstimate both the parameter, and the influence curves used...
test.controlControl function for the adaptive norm test
ZLCarry out a simplified version of the Zhang and Laber test.
ZL_use_inflRun a Zhang and Laber test, but use influence functions to...
adam-s-elder/amar documentation built on Feb. 5, 2022, 7:10 a.m.