Man pages for adelahladka/difNLR
DIF and DDF Detection by Non-Linear Regression Models

coef.ddfMLRExtract model coefficients from an object of '"ddfMLR"'...
coef.difNLRExtract item parameter estimates from an object of the...
coef.difORDExtract model coefficients from an object of '"difORD"'...
ddfMLRDDF detection for nominal data.
difNLRDIF detection using non-linear regression method.
difNLR-packageDIF and DDF Detection by Non-Linear Regression Models.
difORDDIF detection among ordinal data.
estimNLRNon-linear regression DIF models estimation.
formulaNLRCreates a formula for non-linear regression DIF models.
genNLRGenerates data set based on generalized logistic regression...
GMATDichotomous dataset based on GMAT with the same total score...
GMAT2Dichotomous dataset based on GMAT.
GMAT2keyKey of correct answers for 'GMAT2test' dataset.
GMAT2testDataset based on GMAT.
GMATkeyKey of correct answers for 'GMATtest' dataset.
GMATtestDataset based on GMAT with the same total score distribution...
logLik.ddfMLRLog-likelihood and information criteria for an object of...
logLik.difNLRLog-likelihood and information criteria for an object of the...
logLik.difORDLog-likelihood and information criteria for an object of...
MLRDDF likelihood ratio statistics based on multinomial...
MSATBDichotomous dataset of Medical School Admission Test in...
MSATBkeyKey of correct answers for 'MSATBtest' dataset.
MSATBtestDataset of School Admission Test in Biology.
NLRDIF statistics for non-linear regression models.
ORDDIF likelihood ratio statistics for ordinal data.
plot.ddfMLRICC plots for an object of '"ddfMLR"' class.
plot.difNLRICC and test statistics plots for an object of the '"difNLR"'...
plot.difORDICC plots for an object of '"difORD"' class.
predict.ddfMLRPredicted values for an object of '"ddfMLR"' class.
predict.difNLRPredicted values for an object of the '"difNLR"' class.
predict.difORDPredicted values for an object of '"difORD"' class.
residuals.difNLRFitted values and residuals for an object of the '"difNLR"'...
startNLRCalculates starting values for non-linear regression DIF...
adelahladka/difNLR documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 11:52 a.m.