Man pages for agdamsbo/daDoctoR
Functions For Health Research

age_calcCalculating age from date of birth
biv_olr_plot_colFor collection of datapoints for bivariate ordinal logistic...
calculate_overlapCalculating overlap from list of identifier numbers
col_factFormatting multiple columns as factor
col_numFormatting multiple columns as numeric
comb_olrAn ordinal logistic regression function for plotting
cpr_checkCPR check
cpr_sexDetermine sex from CPR
cut_percCreates factor by percentile from numeric vector.
date_convertConverting data format
dob_extract_cprExtracting date of birth from CPR
euler_plotCreates Euler model from list of identifier numbers.
hwe_alleleHWE calculation by alleles
hwe_appShiny app of the Hardy Weinberg Equillibrium calculations
hwe_genoHWE calculation by genotypes
hwe_sumSummarising function of HWE calculation
plot_biv_olrForrest plot from ordinal logistic regression, version2 of...
plot_ord_oddsForrest plot from ordinal logistic regression.
print_diff_bygroupPrint regression results in table
print_diff_byvarPrintable table of three dimensional regression analysis
print_logPrint regression results in table
print_olrPrint ordinal logistic regression results in table
print_predRegression model of predictors according to STROBE, bi- and...
print_pred_stratumExtension to the print_pred function, for by stratum...
print_reg_diff_binSHOULD BE COMBINED WITH strobe_pred (try transfer the REF) -...
quantile_cutEasy function for splitting numeric variable in quantiles
redcap_clean_csvEasily format csv-files for instrument opload to REDCap
rep_bivA repeated function for bivariate analyses
rep_epi_testsA repeated epi.tests function
rep_glmA repeated logistic regression function
replace_charReplacing specific characters or string elements with gsub()
rep_lmA repeated linear regression function
rep_olrA repeated ordinal logistic regression function
rep_olr_snglA repeated ordinal logistic regression function for plotting
rep_reg_cieA repeated regression function for change-in-estimate...
strobe_diff_bygroupREWRITE UNDERWAY - replaced by 'print_diff_bygroup'
strobe_diff_byvarREWRITE UNDERWAY - replaced by 'print_diff_byvar'
strobe_diff_twodimOBSOLETE - USE print_reg_diff_bin
strobe_logOBSOLETE - use 'print_log'
strobe_olrOBSOLETE - use 'print_olr'
strobe_predOBSOLETE - use 'print_pred'
substrRightSubstring n last characters
agdamsbo/daDoctoR documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 4:29 p.m.