Man pages for ajdamico/lodown
locally download and prepare publicly-available microdata

cachacabest file download, all other file downloads have inferior...
lodownlocally download and prepare publicly-available microdata
lodown_icpsrlocally download, import, prepare icpsr microdata
MIsvychisqvariant of survey::svychisq that works on multiply-imputed...
MIsvycipropvariant of survey::svyciprop that works on multiply-imputed...
MIsvyttestvariant of survey::svyttest that works on multiply-imputed...
nlsfunctions to access the national longitudinal studies panel...
sbodual design calculations for the survey of business owners
scfvariant of 'mitools::MIcombine' that only uses the sampling...
syntaxtractorrmarkdown syntax extractor
ajdamico/lodown documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 7:15 a.m.