Man pages for alberto-valdeolivas/RandomWalkRestartMH
Random walk with restart on multiplex and heterogeneous Networks

compute.adjacency.matrixComputes the adjacency matrix of a multiplex network
compute.transition.matrixComputes the transition matrix of a multiplex and...
create.multiplexCreate multiplex graphs from individual networks
create.multiplexHetCreate multiplex heterogeneous graphs from individual...
create.multiplexHetNetwork.topResultsCreates a Network with the top results of the Random Walk...
create.multiplexNetwork.topResultsCreates a Network with the top results of the Random Walk...
Disease_NetworkA disease-disease similarity network.
GeneDiseaseRelationsDiseases and their causative genes
isMultiplexIs this R object a Multiplex object?
isMultiplexHetIs this R object a Multiplex Heterogeneous object?
isRWRMH_ResultsIs this R object a RWR on Multiplex-Heterogeneous object...
isRWRM_ResultsIs this R object a RWR on Multiplex object (Results of the...
normalize.multiplex.adjacencyComputes column normalization of an adjacency matrix
Pathway_NetworkA pathway network (Pathway network)
PPI_NetworkA protein-protein physical interaction network (PPI network)
Random.Walk.Restart.MultiplexPerforms Random Walk with Restart on a Multiplex Network
Random.Walk.Restart.MultiplexHetPerforms Random Walk with Restart on a Multiplex and...
alberto-valdeolivas/RandomWalkRestartMH documentation built on Aug. 12, 2021, 8:49 p.m.