Man pages for alexandremkuhn/PSEA
Population-Specific Expression Analysis.

coefmatExtracts fitted coefficients.
crplotComponent-plus-residual (CR) plot
em_quantvgSpecifies particular models useful for gene expression...
expressionExpression data.
expression_GSE19380Expression data for GSE19380 (RNA mixture experiment)
fmmFull model matrix
groupsBinary vector encoding sample group information.
informationSample information for GSE19380 (RNA mixture experiment)
lmfitstFits a set of models and performs model selection.
markerReference signal
pvalmatExtracts p-values
sltExtracts from a list of objects
swlmStepwise model selection
alexandremkuhn/PSEA documentation built on March 26, 2020, 12:04 a.m.