Man pages for alexmitrani/Repeatr
Exploring the Fugazi Live Series

attendancedataAttendance data
compressrchanges the type of specified variables to integer
cumulative_duration_countsCumulative Duration Counts
cumulative_song_countsCumulative Song Counts
datestamprproduction of date stamps
diffrTests whether differences between pairs of model parameters...
download_table_footerAdds an initial text column and a footer with text to tables...
duration_data_daDuration Data
duration_summaryFugazi song duration summary data
fls_tagsTags data
fls_tags_importerimports a .txt file of duration data, converts the duration...
fls_tags_showTags data, one record per show
fugazi_song_countsFugazi song performance counts
fugazi_song_performance_intensityFugazi song performance intensity data
fugazi_spotify_datafugazi_spotify_data provides basic code for extracting...
gid_initial_gid_sound_quality899 stacks of 10-12 shows covering the whole Fugazi...
gid_sound_qualitySound quality data, one record per show
last_performance_dataLast Performance Data
nscmovnscmov = No satellite could map our veins.
othervariablesFugazi Live Series data - other variables
played_withFugazi Live Series data on bands that fugazi played with in...
played_with_dataFugazi Live Series data on bands that fugazi played with in...
played_with_summaryFugazi Live Series summary data on bands that fugazi played...
rankrUndertakes paired comparisons for ranking a set of...
rawdataFugazi Live Series raw data
releaseid_variable_colour_codeRelease ID, variable, colour code
releases_data_inputReleases data input
releasesdatalookupFugazi releases data
releases_menu_listReleases Summary
releases_summaryReleases Summary
Repeatr0Fugazi Live Series data
Repeatr1Fugazi Live Series data in long format with related...
Repeatr_1imports raw data in CSV format (1 row per show), cleans the...
Repeatr2Fugazi Live Series choice data in long format with related...
Repeatr_2takes a dataframe with one row per show-song and reshapes it...
Repeatr3Fugazi Live Series choice data in long format with related...
Repeatr_3takes a dataframe with gid, song_number, and songid, and...
Repeatr_4prepares data for choice modelling with mlogit, and estimates...
Repeatr_5produces results using a coefficient table for a choice model...
Repeatr_UpdatrRuns the whole analysis process to update the site and...
results_ml_Repeatr4Estimated coefficients and related statistics from the model...
scrape_fls_dataScrape data from Fugazi Live Series pages
scrape_fls_dtddScrape data from Fugazi Live Series show info tables using dt...
setscompares the setlists of two or more shows.
shows_dataShows Data
songidlookupFugazi song id lookup table
song_tempo_bpm_dataSong tempo BPM data
songvarslookupFugazi songs data
stacksstacks puts together a set of shows that will contain a...
sweepstacksweepstack runs stacks iteratively over a range of different...
toursdataTours data
transitions_data_daTransitions Data
venuesdataVenues data
alexmitrani/Repeatr documentation built on June 11, 2024, 1:42 p.m.