Man pages for andreashandel/modeldiagram
Easy Creation of ggplot2 Based Figures of Flow Diagrams

add_default_aesAdd default aestethic settings to the variables and flows...
add_locationsAdd x,y location information Helper function called by...
add_plus_signsAdd explicit plus signs to flows. Used by prepare_diagram.
check_dataframesHelper function to perform basic checks of the variables and...
check_model_listCheck model_list input for prepare_diagram for correctness.
check_model_settingsCheck optional model_settings input for prepare_diagram for...
convert_from_modelbuilderConvert modelbuilder list object to list for modeldiagram
fix_arrow_posAdjust arrow positions to avoid overlaps. helper function for...
flowdiagramrflowdiagramr: A package to create flow diagrams
get_codeReturns the ggplot2 code so that this can be in one place
get_vars_parsExtract the variables and parameters from a flow. used by...
make_diagramMake a ggplot2 model diagram.
prepare_diagramCreate data frames for plotting from model elements.
set_curvatureSets the curvature values for curved arrows. used by...
set_feedback_curvatureSets the curvature values for feedback arrows
set_node_to_naSet to and from values to NA if value not present in nodes df
test_setting_lengthsTest whether settings are the correct length.
update_diagramUpdates the aesthetics settings in the variables and flows...
update_tofromsUpdates the numeric to/from ids to the variable label
write_diagramGenerate a reproducible R script to make the diagram.
andreashandel/modeldiagram documentation built on July 31, 2023, 10:05 a.m.