Man pages for andrew-griffen/griffen
Some functions and datasets for teaching and research

as_horiPrints a vector horizontally
as_named_vecPrints a vector how you would write a vector (except named)
as_vecPrints a vector how you would write a vector
as_vertPrints a vector vertically
billionCreates a big number
gcolorsSome custom color palettes
gthemeA custom theme inspired by theme_ipsum
incAn increment function
incpAn increment function
leftAn additional dplyr verb
lenMakes len an alias for length()
meanmean function with na.rm = TRUE
millionCreates a big number
pctComputes percentages by group
print_allA modified print function
pwdMakes pwd an alias for getwd()
qpKeeps track of question points
read_csvmean function with na.rm = TRUE
remove_factorsRemoves all factors from a data frame
roundrA rounding function
sumsum function with na.rm = TRUE
time_coauthorsA timezone function
to_pdfPrint xaringan slides to PDF This super useful function was...
trillionCreates a big number
wide_screenScreen and tibble display preference function
andrew-griffen/griffen documentation built on June 3, 2024, 12:34 p.m.