Man pages for andybeet/cfdbs
Pulls data from the NEFSC commercial database

cfdbscfdbs: Extract info from Database
EPUsEPU designations by statistical areas. (CFDBS)
fleetsFleet structure and gear type associations (CFDBS)
get_age_lengthExtract Length at Age data CFDBS
get_anything_sqlExtract anything from ADIOS! or CFDBS
get_areasExtract AREA information from CFDBS
get_gearsExtract fishing GEAR types from CFDBS
get_landingsExtract landings data from ADIOS! (help from CFDBS)
get_landings_lengthExtract landings data by length from ADIOS! (help from CFDBS)
get_landings_palmerExtract landings data from ADIOS! (help from CFDBS)
get_locationsExtract LOCATION information from CFDBS
get_portsExtract PORT location information from CFDBS
get_speciesExtract SPECIES information from CFDBS
get_species_itisExtract SPECIES information from CFDBS (SPECIES_ITIS_NE,...
get_vesselsExtract VESSEL information from CFDBS
andybeet/cfdbs documentation built on Jan. 24, 2025, 8:45 a.m.