Man pages for asakellariou/
A Hybrid Feature Selection method for gene expression data

annotateGenome annotation of the "exemplars".
Annot-classClass "Annot"
classificationClassify samples according to the SVM algorithm
Classify-classClass "Classify"
DataLD-classClass "DataLD"
loadFilesImports gene expression data
mAPKLThe mAP-KL algorithm
mAPKL-packageA hybrid feature selection method for gene expression data
mAPKLRes-classClass "mAPKLRes"
metricsComputes several clasification metrics
NetAttr-classClass "NetAttr"
netwAttrCalculates network characteristics
preprocessPerforms normalization and/or log2 transformation
probes2pathwaysExtract pathways from "exemplars"
reportProduce an HTML report of the mAP-KL analysis
samplingSplits a dataset to a train and a test sets of a user defined...
asakellariou/ documentation built on June 5, 2019, 8:49 p.m.