Man pages for asrinivasan-oa/ganalyse
Easy Analysis of RNASeq DE

as.dgelistConvert to a 'DGEList' object
as.esetConvert objects to an 'ExpressionSet' object
as.eset_mapDetailed 'ExpressionSet' object
construct_contrastsConstruct 'contrasts' matrix for comparison
construct_designConstruct design matrix
density_plotDensity plots of count data facetted by groups
edger_dgeUsing 'edger_dge' for 'raw' counts
ganalyseganalyse: Easy Analysis of Genomics Data
gather_countsGather counts from 'fpkm' or 'raw' object
limma_dgeUsing 'limma_dge' for 'raw' and 'fpkm' counts
rnaseqCreate an RNASeq experiment object
show_countsDisplay all counts in a rectangular format
test_ganalyseRun a set of tests
volcano_plotVolcano plot for DGE analysis
write_dgeWrite top table results to file.
asrinivasan-oa/ganalyse documentation built on May 12, 2019, 5:38 a.m.