Man pages for avrincon/phdfuns
Helper functions for PhD

add_trackersAdd tracker columns
add_zero_obstimeAdd row with 0 observation time
ap_sb_gr_duration_calculatorCalculate the duration of a behaviour with a partner.
check_da_eiCheck for da's without an ei
check_missing_start_endCheck for missing start/end codes
check_partCheck partner
class_agg_action_intensityClassify aggression intensity
class_da_idClassify da pa id
classify_da_idClassify da_pa_ids
decider_diff_countDecider different count
decider_same_countDecider same count
duration_calculatorCalculate the duration of a behaviour
dur_matrixCreate a duration matrix
dyad_obs_totalfunction to add obs time of focal and participant
elo_model3Get likelihood of elo-ratings
elo_sequence_NFModified elo.seq function
excl_dbl_intExclude double interactions
extract_windowsFunction to extract sample windows
freq_matrixCreate a frequency matrix
get_day_eloGet Elo at the end of day
get_int_decisionGet decision
get_obs_time_sGet obs time in secs
get_p_dyad_countGet partner dyad count
highlight_siHighlight si/ei
highlight_sibcHighlight si/ei of affiliative behaviours
highlight_si_revHighlight da-pa in reverse
insert_rowInsert a new row into a data frame
map_nestMap function to list-column
obs_time_calculatorCalculate observation time
obs_time_matrixfunction that creates an obstime matrix
plot_corPlot correlation between two vars
plot_ln_grpPlot line graph by group
prot_oos_duration_calculatorCalculate the duration of a behaviour without a partner.
sec_to_hmsFunction that converts seconds to a character format hh:mm:ss
subtract_hmsSubtract two times in format "hh:mm:ss"
sum_durationSum duration of grouped variables
sum_hmsSum times in format "hh:mm:ss"
transp_sum_matrixTranspose matrix and sum content
wtn_sbj_cWithin-subjects centering
avrincon/phdfuns documentation built on Nov. 13, 2022, 10:34 a.m.