Man pages for bayesball/LearnEDA
Functions for Learning Exploratory Data Analysis

act.scores.06.07ACT scores of states in the US.
baseball.attendanceAttendance at baseball teams.
batting.historyYearly Batting Statistics for Major League Baseball
beatlesLengths of songs from Beatles' albums.
boston.marathonBoston Marathon completion times of women of different ages.
boston.marathon.wtimesBoston marathon winning times
braves.attendanceAttendance at games of a baseball team
car.measurementsCar measurements
church.2.wayChurch attendance as a two-way table.
church.tseriesTime series of worship attendance
college.ratingsRatings of National Universities in the U.S.
farmsNumber of farms in the states of the U.S.
fit.gaussianFitting a Gaussian curve to binned data
footballAmerican football scores
gestation.periodsGestation periods for different animals.
grandma.19.40Grandmas Marathon completion times
half.slope.ratioHalf slope ratio
hanHanning a sequence
heaviest.fishFish world record catches
hinkleyHinkley's quick method
home.pricesHome sales prices in the U.S.
homeruns.2000Team home run numbers for different seasons.
homeruns.61Home run counts in 1961
immigrantsImmigrant counts to US.
island.areasAreas of islands from different continents.
lakeLake measurements
lvalLetter values
mortality.ratesInfant mortality rates of countries
mtransMatched transformation
olympics.runOlympics running times.
olympics.speed.skatingOlympics speed skating times.
olympics.swimOlympics swimming times.
pitching.historyYearly Pitching Statistics for Major League Baseball
plot.2wayPlot of an additive fit
pop.changePopulation change for all states in the U.S.
pop.densitiesPopulation densities of states for different years.
pop.englandEngland population
power.tPower transformation
rent.pricesRent prices in different cities.
rlineResistant line
salariesSalaries of different professions in different cities.
snowfallSnowfall amounts of two cities
spread.level.plotSpread versus level plot
studentdataStudent dataset
symplotSymmetry plot
temperaturesTemperatures for different cities.
tukey.24aTukey straightening exercise 24a
tukey.24bTukey straightening exercise 24b
tukey.26aTukey straightening exercise 24a
tukey.26bTukey straightening exercise 24b
tukey.26cTukey straightening exercise 24c
us.popPopulation of United States
bayesball/LearnEDA documentation built on May 11, 2019, 9:22 p.m.