Man pages for bcgov/clus_explorer
CLUS Explorer

add_classAdd CSS class
app_serverThe application server-side
chart_bar_facetedReusable function to create a bar chart
chart_heatmapFunction that returns ggplot heatmap chart
chart_line_facetedReusable function to create a line chart
getAvailableStudyAreasGet available study areas to populate the "Area of interest"...
getDbConnectionGet database connection
getInformationSchemaTablesGet schema tables from information_schema database
getSpatialQueryGet the results of a spatial query from the PostgreSQL...
getTableQueryGet the results of an SQL query from the database
mod_chart_areamod_chart_area_ui and mod_chart_area_server
mod_chart_linemod_chart_line Server Function for plotly line chart
run_appRun the Shiny Application
valueBoxSparkValue box
bcgov/clus_explorer documentation built on Oct. 16, 2022, 1:56 p.m.