Man pages for bernadette-eu/Bernadette
Bayesian Inference and Model Selection for Stochastic Epidemics

age_distributionCountry-specific age distribution
age_specific_cusum_infection_countsAge distribution of cumulative reported infections for Greece
age_specific_infection_countsAge distribution of new reported infections for Greece
age_specific_mortality_countsAge distribution of new reported deaths for Greece
aggregate_age_distributionAggregate the age distribution matrix
aggregate_contact_matrixAggregate a contact matrix
aggregate_ifr_reactAggregate the Infection Fatality Ratio
Bernadette-packageBayesian inference and model selection for stochastic...
contact_matricesContact matrices per country
contact_matrixCountry-specific contact matrix
countries_unNames of countries with an available age distribution
country_contact_matricesNames of countries for which a contact matrix is available
itd_distributionDistribution of the time between infection and death
plot_age_distributionBar plot of the age distribution
plot_contact_matrixContact matrix heatmap
plot_posterior_cmPlot the posterior contact matrix
plot_posterior_infectionsPlot the posterior distribution of the infection counts
plot_posterior_mortalityPlot the posterior distribution of the mortality counts
plot_posterior_rtPlot the estimated effective reproduction number trajectory
plot_posterior_transmratePlot the estimated age-specific transmission rate
posterior_infectionsSummarize the posterior distribution of the infection counts
posterior_mortalitySummarize the posterior distribution of the mortality counts
posterior_rtEstimate the effective reproduction number with the next...
posterior_transmrateEstimate the age-specific transmission rate
priorsPrior distributions and options
stan_igbmBayesian diffusion-driven multi-type epidemic models via Stan
summary.stanigbmSummary of stanigbm posterior output
bernadette-eu/Bernadette documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 11:18 p.m.