Man pages for bhklab/survcomp
Performance Assessment and Comparison for Survival Analysis

balanced.hazard.ratioFunction to estimate the balanced hazard ratio through Cox...
bhr.compFunction to statistically compare two balanced hazard ratios
breastCancerDataSample data containing six datasets for gene expression,...
censor.timeFunction to artificially censor survival data
cindex.compFunction to compare two concordance indices
cindex.comp.metaFunction to compare two concordance indices
combine.estFunction to combine estimates
combine.testFunction to combine probabilities
concordance.indexFunction to compute the concordance index for survival or...
concordanceIndexCConcordance index C
cvplFunction to compute the CVPL
D.indexFunction to compute the D index
dindex.compFunction to compare two D indices
dindex.comp.metaFunction to compare two D indices
fisherzFunction to compute Fisher z transformation
forestplot.survForest plots enables to display performance estimates of...
get_concordanceIndex_onevariableGet concordance index
getsurv2Function to retrieve the survival probabilities at a specific...
hazard.ratioFunction to estimate the hazard ratio through Cox regression
hr.compFunction to statistically compare two hazard ratios
hr.comp2Function to statistically compare two hazard ratios...
hr.comp.metaFunction to compare two concordance indices
iauc.compFunction to compare two IAUCs through time-dependent ROC...
ibsc.compFunction to compare two IBSCs
km.coxph.plotFunction to plot several Kaplan-Meier survival curves
logplFunction to compute the log partial likelihood of a Cox model
mainz7gSubset of MAINZ dataset containing gene expression,...
metaplot.survMeta-analysis plot (forest plot)
mrmr.cindexFunction to compute the concordance index for survival or...
mrmr_cIndexmRMR cIndex
mrmr.cindex.ensembleFunction to compute the concordance index for survival or...
mrmr_cIndex_ensemble_removemRMR cIndex Ensemble Remove
nki7gSubset of NKI dataset containing gene expression, annotations... to compute the number of individuals at risk
sbrier.score2probaFunction to compute the BSCs from a risk score, for all the...
score2probaFunction to compute the survival probabilities from a risk...
survcomp-packagePerformance Assessment and Comparison for Survival Analysis
tdroccFunction to compute time-dependent ROC curves
td.sens.specFunction to compute sensitivity and specificity for a binary...
test.hetero.estFunction to test the heterogeneity of set of probabilities
test.hetero.testFunction to test the heterogeneity of set of probabilities
transbig7gSubset of the TRANSBIG dataset containing gene expression,...
unt7gSubset of UNT dataset containing gene expression, annotations...
upp7gSubset of UPP dataset containing gene expression, annotations...
vdx7gSubset of VDX dataset containing gene expression, annotations...
bhklab/survcomp documentation built on Dec. 26, 2021, 6:41 a.m.