Man pages for billdenney/
Various Functions Including Assistance with Report Writing

add_hash_to_fileCreate a string of the filename with its hash as an attribute... a power calculation to a table for reporting.
as_gg_listMake a gg_list object (a list of ggplots) for knit_printing
bayesian_decision_figureMake a figure describing the Bayesian decision-making based...
check_expected_colsVerify that a data.frame has the expected columns present
coalesce_sameReplace missing values with non-missing while confirming that...
comma_andGenerate a list of text grammatically correctly
correct_caseCorrect the case of a vector to be in a preferred case
cumsum_resetPerform a cumulative sum resetting to zero whenever a 'reset'...
dated_warning_or_errorGive a warning or error based on the current date
duplicated_including_firstDetermine duplicate elements (including the first duplicate)
emax_funCompute the Emax or its inverse.
extract_ggplot_legendExtract the legend from a ggplot2 object
filter_listFilter a list of data.frames
filter_maybeFilter if it works, otherwise, do nothing
find_lessFind the choice that is less than a value
find_sub_tableWhen data are provided as blocks of tables within a larger...
fun_no_naPerform an operation on a vector that may be empty or all NA...
get_data_manage_standard_colsGet a vector of column names expected for a dataset.
grepl_multi_patternRun grepl on a vector of patterns.
gsub_multi_patternSubstitute from a vector of patterns with a single...
impute_dtcImpute dates and times when data are missing.
impute_dtc_helpersImpute the date and time within a single...
impute_dtc_simplify_timeConfirm that the value looks like a time, and remove fully...
impute_sdImpute standard deviation from measures of dispersion.
impute_time_act_nomImpute actual time using nominal time when actual is...
interesting_colsFind the columns that have more than one value
intermingle_listIntermingle elements from a set of lists
join_controlPerform join where the outcome of the join is verifed to...
knit_print.formulaGenerate LaTeX math from an R formula
knit_print.ggPrint a ggplot object with space around it
knit_print.gg_listPrint a list of ggplot objects with space around each
knit_print.sessionInfoPrint the sessionInfo in a way that is usable in...
latex_referenceGenerate a latex label or reference to the label
logLik.xpose_dataExtract Log-Likelihood
make_ciMake a confidence interval from a point estimate and standard...
make_loqExtract numeric, below/above the lower/upper limits of...
make_nested_idGenerate a numeric identifier attempting to be stable to...
make_tab_models_testedCreate a tibble of tested models
median_characterReturn the median of a character vector
mindiffFind the minimum difference between a vector and a set of...
mindiff_afterReturn the minimum of the differences of x for the first...
NA_logLik_An NA-equivalent value for logLik
nonmem_column_orderOutput a data.frame with numeric columns on the left.
number_patternsRegular expression patterns for numbers
paste_missingConcatenate strings dropping missing values
patch_dataPatch one data set using another
pdf_combine_multiCombine multiple PDF files including optional selection of...
plot_grid_one_legendExtract the legend from the first figure, remove the legends...
realize_addl_singleExpand II and ADDL with NONMEM-like methods for a single...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_ggplot_legendRemove the legend(s) from a ggplot
replace_synonymReplace values in a character string with their synonym
replace_synonym_listUse a regular expression to choose the synonyms in a list to...
search_fun_edgeGo to the edge
search_fun_values_or_edgeGo to a value or the edge
seq_expSequence generation on an expoential scale
set_baselineSet a single baseline value given input data.
setdiff_bidirBidirectional setdiff rather than the default unidirectional...
single_valueEnsure that a vector has only a single value throughout.
sprintf_data_frameCreate new columns in a data.frame with sprintf results
translate_valueConvert a value from something old to something new (using...
unicode_to_asciiConvert from Unicode to ASCII
billdenney/ documentation built on Jan. 16, 2024, 12:54 a.m.