bit2r/BitStat: Statistical Analytics using R and Shiny

A collection of tools that support data analysis with data diagnosis/exploration/ transformation and statistical methodology. Data diagnostics provides information and visualization of missing values and outliers and unique and negative values to help you understand the distribution and quality of your data. Data exploration provides information and visualization of the descriptive statistics of univariate variables, normality tests and outliers, correlation of two variables, and relationship between target variable and predictor. Data transformation supports binning for categorizing continuous variables, imputates missing values and outliers, resolving skewness. And it creates automated reports that support these three tasks. Statistical methodology provides lienar model, ANOVA and some predictive modeling.

Getting started

Package details

LicenseAGPL-3 | file LICENSE
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
bit2r/BitStat documentation built on Nov. 8, 2022, 4:17 p.m.