Man pages for boupetch/rmdf
Sleep Analysis with R

bands_powerCompute bands powers from signal. Divides signal into...
compute_all_statsCall and compile all statistics functions in a dataframe.
cycles_statsGet cycles related stats. Number of cycles, total duration,...
download_capslpdbDownload the CAP Sleep Database in the desired path. See the...
download_dreams_spindlesDownload the DREAMS Spindles database in the desired path....
download_dreams_subjectsDownload DREAMS Subjects database in the desired path. See...
download_isrucDownload the ISRUC-SLEEP Dataset in the desired path. See the...
download_sleepedfxDownload the Expanded Sleep-EDF Database See the Expanded...
get_overlapping_durationGet the duration of x labels events overlapping y labels...
get_overlapping_eventsFilter x events overlapping y events.
hypnogramFilter and reorder an events dataframe to keep only sleep...
hypnogram_band_powersCompute bands powers from a full hypnogram.
hypnogram_eemdCompute EEMD mean,var,skew,kur
ma_statsGet Micro-Arousals events related stats in a named vector.
plot_hypnogramDraw a hypnogram with ggplot2.
plot_transitionsPlot a stages transition graph using the 'visNetwork'...
pos_statsGet position g events related stats in a named vector.
read_all_events_isrucRead scoring from the ISRUC-Sleep datasets.
read_events_dreams_subjectsRead Subjects DB AASM scoring
read_events_isrucRead scoring from the ISRUC-Sleep datasets.
read_events_noxturnalRead a Noxturnal events file (Unicode CSV format)
read_events_sleepedfxRead a SleepEDFX events file EDF+
read_isruc_metadataRead ISRUC-Sleep dataset records metadata.
read_mdfRead a Morpheo Data Format (MDF) directory to a list.
rem_statsGet Rapid-Eye-Movements events related stats in a named...
resp_statsGet Apnea and Hypopnea events related stats in a named...
snoring_statsGet snoring events related stats in a named vector.
split_epochsSplit signal a signal vector into epochs.
split_signalSplit signal using hypnogram events.
stages_statsGet stages events related stats in a named vector.
tmComputes sleep stages transition matrix from selected stages.
tm_statsFlattens a stage transition matrix to a named vector.
write_channelWrite a timeserie to disk using Morpheo Data Format (MDF)...
write_mdfWrite a European Data Format (EDF) record file to disk using...
boupetch/rmdf documentation built on June 26, 2019, 2:25 p.m.