Man pages for braverock/factorAnalytics
Factor Analytics for Asset Return Data

assetDecompDecompose portfolio risk into individual asset contributions...
convert.ffmSpecFunction to convert to current class # mido to change to...
CornishFisherCornish-Fisher expansion
dot-fmmc.boot#' @title Statistic function for the boot call.
dot-fmmc.default.argsFunctions to compute estimates and their standard errors...
dot-fmmc.procImplementation of the Factor Model Monte Carlo method.
dot-fmmc.seMain function to calculate the risk/performance estimate and...
dot-fmmc.workerWorker function that acts between the fmmc procedure and...
exposuresTseriesTime series plots of Style Exposures
fitFfmFit a fundamental factor model using cross-sectional...
fitTsfmFit a time series factor model using time series regression
fitTsfm.controlList of control parameters for 'fitTsfm'
fitTsfmLagLeadBetaFit a lagged and lead Betas factor model using time series...
fitTsfmMTFit a market timing time series factor model
fitTsfmUpDnFit a up and down market factor model using time series...
fmCovCovariance Matrix for assets' returns from fitted factor...
fmEsDecompDecompose ES into individual factor contributions
fmmcCompute fmmc objects that can be used for calcuation of...
fmmc.estimate.seMain function to calculate the standard errror of the...
fmmcSemiParamSemi-parametric factor model Monte Carlo
fmRsqFactor Model R-Squared and Adj R-Squared Values
fmSdDecompDecompose standard deviation into individual factor...
fmTstatst-stats and plots for a fitted Fundamental Factor Model...
fmVaRDecompDecompose VaR into individual factor contributions
lagExposureslagExposures allows the user to lag exposures by one time...
paFmCompute cumulative mean attribution for factor models
plot.ffmPlots from a fitted fundamental factor model
plot.pafmplot '"pafm"' object
plot.tsfmPlots from a fitted time series factor model
plot.tsfmUpDnPlot actual against fitted values of up and down market time...
portEsDecompDecompose portfolio ES into individual factor contributions
portSdDecompDecompose portfolio standard deviation into individual factor...
portVaRDecompDecompose portfolio VaR into individual factor contributions
portVolDecompDecompose portfolio variance risk into factor/residual risk
predict.ffmPredicts asset returns based on a fitted fundamental factor...
predict.tsfmPredicts asset returns based on a fitted time series factor...
predict.tsfmUpDnPredicts asset returns based on a fitted up and down market...
print.ffmPrints a fitted fundamental factor model
print.pafmPrint object of class '"pafm"'.
print.tsfmPrints a fitted time series factor model
print.tsfmUpDnPrints out a fitted up and down market time series factor...
repExposuresPortfolio Exposures Report
repReturnPortfolio return decomposition report
repRiskDecompose portfolio risk into individual factor contributions...
riskDecompDecompose Risk into individual factor contributions
selectCRSPandSPGMISelect CRSP Stocks and SPGMI Factors
specFfmSpecifies the elements of a fundamental factor model
summary.ffmSummarizing a fitted fundamental factor model
summary.pafmsummary '"pafm"' object.
summary.tsfmSummarizing a fitted time series factor model
summary.tsfmUpDnSummarizing a fitted up and down market time series factor...
tsPlotMPTime Series Plots
vifFactor Model Variance Inflaction Factor Values
braverock/factorAnalytics documentation built on Dec. 16, 2024, 1:05 p.m.