Man pages for business-science/modeltime.gluonts
'GluonTS' Deep Learning

as_pandas_timestampConvert R Date or POSIXt to Pandas Timestamp
deep_arGeneral Interface for DeepAR Time Series Models
deepar_fit_implGluonTS DeepAR Modeling Function (Bridge)
deepar_predict_implBridge prediction Function for DeepAR Models
deepar_torch_fit_implGluonTS DeepAR (Torch) Modeling Function (Bridge)
deep_stateGeneral Interface for Deep State Time Series Models
deepstate_fit_implGluonTS DeepState Forecaster Modeling Function (Bridge)
deepstate_predict_implBridge prediction Function for GP Forecaster Models
gluonts-envGluonTS Environment Connection Utilities
gp_forecasterGeneral Interface for GP Forecaster Time Series Models
gp_forecaster_fit_implGluonTS GP Forecaster Modeling Function (Bridge)
gp_forecaster_predict_implBridge prediction Function for GP Forecaster Models
install_gluontsInstall / Uninstall GluonTS
nbeatsGeneral Interface for N-BEATS Time Series Models
nbeats_ensemble_fit_implGluonTS N-BEATS ENSEMBLE Modeling Function (Bridge)
nbeats_ensemble_predict_implBridge prediction Function for N-BEATS ENSEMBLE Models
nbeats_fit_implGluonTS N-BEATS Modeling Function (Bridge)
nbeats_paramsTuning Parameters for NBEATS Models
nbeats_predict_implBridge prediction Function for N-BEATS Models
pipePipe operator
save_gluonts_modelSaving and Loading GluonTS Models
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
to_gluon_list_datasetConvert a data frame to a GluonTS ListDataset
trainer_paramsGeneral Tuning Parameters for GluonTS Trainers (All Models)
business-science/modeltime.gluonts documentation built on Jan. 20, 2024, 3:59 a.m.