Man pages for caldwellst/augury
Provides Streamlined Methods for Data Imputation and Forecasting for WHO DDI Statistics

assert_columnsAssert that args in ellipses are columns in 'df'
assert_columns_uniqueAssert that column names are not identical
assert_dfAssert that 'df' is a data frame
assert_error_correct_avg_trendIf using 'error_correct', then check that the columns are...
assert_functionAssert that 'x' is a function
assert_group_modelsAssert if group_models TRUE then group_col not NULL
assert_group_sort_colAssert sort column for use in average trend functions
assert_hAssert that h, for forecasting, is > 0
assert_inlaAssert if INLA is installed, for use in 'predict_inla...()'...
assert_modelAssert that 'x' is a function
assert_numericAssert numeric value
assert_numeric_colsAssert columns in 'df' are numeric
assert_numeric_cols_avgAssert columns in 'df' are numeric, for use with average...
assert_stringAssert that 'x' is a character vector of length 'n'
assert_test_colAssert that test_col is of logical type
augury_add_columnsAdds empty columns to df
calculate_aarrExtract AARR from vector of years and prevalence
calculate_sq_chCalculate change error
covariates_dfDefault covariates for use in augury functions.
error_correct_fnUse mean error to correct predictions
expand_dfExpand input data to make explicit missing values
expand_df_filterFilter 'expand_df'
expand_df_minHelper for 'expand_df_filter()' to calculate min for keeping...
filter_model_dataFilters data for modeling
fit_aarr_modelGenerate prediction from model object
fit_forecast_average_modelFit forecast model to averages and apply trend to original...
fit_forecast_modelFit forecast model to data
fit_general_average_modelFit general model to averages and apply trend to original...
fit_general_modelFit general model to data
fit_inla_average_modelFit INLA model to averages and apply trend to original data
fit_inla_modelFit INLA model to data
fit_lme4_average_modelFit mixed model to averages and apply trend to original data
fit_lme4_modelFit general model to data
forecast_seriesForecast data series
get_average_dfProduces averaged data frame that can then be passed for...
get_forecast_dataGet data for forecast models
get_formula_avg_colsGet variables that need to be averaged from formula.
get_model_dataMinimizes dataset to data needed for modelling
interpolate_aarrInterpolate using AARR from vector of years and prevalence
join_covariates_dfJoin data frame with covariates data frame
map_model_behaviorCatch instability of INLA
merge_average_dfMerge average df with predictions with original data frame
merge_predictionMerge predicted data into data frame
model_errorGet modeling error from a data frame
parse_formulaAsserts formula and extract variables
parse_obs_filterParse obs filter intro string to be evaluated
pipePipe operator
predict_aarrUse annual average rate of reduction (AARR) to predict...
predict_averageUse averages to impute and forecast data
predict_average_fnImpute data using simple averages
predict_forecastUse a time series model to infill and project data
predict_forecast_avg_trendUse 'predict_forecast' on groups to generate average trend...
predict_forecast_dataGenerate prediction from model object
predict_general_dataGenerate prediction from model object
predict_general_mdlUse a generic R model to infill and project data
predict_general_mdl_avg_trendUse 'predict_general_mdl' on groups to generate average trend...
predict_glmUse a generalized linear model to infill and project data
predict_glm_avg_trendUse 'predict_glm' on groups to generate average trend and...
predict_glmerUse a generalized linear mixed-effects model to infill and...
predict_glmer_avg_trendUse 'predict_glmer' on groups to generate average trend and...
predict_holtUse Holt's linear trend exponential smoothing to forecast...
predict_holt_avg_trendUse 'predict_holt' on groups to generate average trend and...
predict_inlaUse Bayesian analysis of additive models to infill and...
predict_inla_avg_trendUse 'predict_inla' on groups to generate average trend and...
predict_inla_dataGenerate prediction from an INLA output object
predict_inla_meUse INLA for mixed effects modeling for prediction
predict_inla_tsUse INLA for time series prediction
predict_lmUse a linear model to infill and project data
predict_lm_avg_trendUse 'predict_lm' on groups to generate average trend and...
predict_lme4Use mixed models to infill and project data
predict_lme4_avg_trendUse 'predict_lme4' on groups to generate average trend and...
predict_lme4_dataGenerate prediction from model object
predict_lmerUse a linear mixed-effects model to infill and project data
predict_lmer_avg_trendUse 'predict_lmer' on groups to generate average trend and...
predict_nlmerUse a non-linear mixed-effects model to infill and project...
predict_nlmer_avg_trendUse 'predict_nlmer' on groups to generate average trend and...
predict_sesUse simple exponential smoothing to forecast data
predict_ses_avg_trendUse 'predict_ses' on groups to generate average trend and...
predict_simpleUse linear interpolation and flat extrapolation to infill...
predict_simple_fnLinearly interpolate data
probit_transformProbit transform bounded data in a data frame
probit_vecProbit transformation for bounded data
remove_groupsRemove groups from data frame if grouped
scale_transformScales data in a data frame
scale_vecScale a vector
simple_extrapHelper function to do flat extrapolation
temp_fillFills vector backwards and forward, for use prior to applying...
trim_seriesGet latest data for forecasting
caldwellst/augury documentation built on Oct. 10, 2024, 8:20 a.m.