Man pages for caleblareau/BuenColors
Plotting utils and colors for Buenrostrolab

ejc_color_mapA mapping function to specific colors for UKBB single-cell...
ejc_color_mapsList of maps between annotations and specified colors for...
get_densityCompute the density of points in a grid
g_legendExtract a legend from ggplot
jdb_color_mapA mapping function to specific colors.
jdb_color_mapsList of maps between annotations and specified colors.
jdb_paletteA palette generator
jdb_palettesComplete list of palettes
L_borderAxes along the bottom and left
numberToColorVecMaps numeric vector to color palette
pretty_plotGet rid of gridlines, etc.
shufRandomly shuffle the plotting order
tf1_color_mapA mapping function to specific colors for the TF1 clone paper
tf1_color_mapsList of maps between annotations and specified colors for the...
caleblareau/BuenColors documentation built on March 7, 2020, 3:34 p.m.