Man pages for camdenk/mlbplotR
Create 'ggplot2' and 'gt' Visuals with Major League Baseball Logos

clean_team_abbrsStandardize MLB Team Abbreviations
elementTheme Elements for Image Grobs
geom_cap_logosggplot2 Layer for Visualizing MLB Team Cap Logos
geom_from_pathggplot2 Layer for Visualizing Images from URLs or Local Paths
geom_linesggplot2 Layer for Horizontal and Vertical Reference Lines
geom_milb_logosggplot2 Layer for Visualizing MiLB Team Logos
geom_mlb_headshotsggplot2 Layer for Visualizing MLB/MiLB Player Headshots
geom_mlb_logosggplot2 Layer for Visualizing MLB Team Logos
ggpreviewPreview ggplot in Specified Dimensions
gt_merge_stack_team_colorMerge and stack text from two columns in 'gt' and color one...
gt_milbAdd MiLB team logos into rows of a 'gt' table
gt_mlbAdd MLB team logos into rows of a 'gt' table
gt_mlb_column_labelsReplace Team Abbreviations/Player IDs With Images In Column...
gt_mlb_headshotsRender Player Headshots in 'gt' Tables
load_headshotsOutput MLB Team Abbreviations
load_milb_teamsLoad MiLB Team Colors, and Logos
load_mlb_teamsLoad MLB Team Colors, and Logos
mlb_player_tiersCreate MLB Player Tiers
mlbplotR-packagemlbplotR: Create 'ggplot2' and 'gt' Visuals with Major League...
mlb_team_factorCreate Ordered MLB Team Factor
mlb_team_tiersCreate MLB Team Tiers
scale_axes_mlbAxis Scales for MLB Team Logos
scale_mlbScales for MLB Team Colors
theme_mlbTheme for MLB Team Logos
valid_team_namesOutput Valid MLB Team Abbreviations
camdenk/mlbplotR documentation built on June 15, 2024, 6:27 a.m.