Man pages for cbreto/panelPomp
Inference for Panel Partially Observed Markov Processes

asCoercing 'panelPomp' objects as 'list', 'pompList' or...
contactsContacts model
get_dimGet single column or row without dropping names
mif2PIF: Panel iterated filtering
panel-designs#' Create design matrix for panelPomp calculations
panelGompertzPanel Gompertz model
panelGompertzLikelihoodLikelihood for a panel Gompertz model via a Kalman filter
panel_loglikHandling of loglikelihood replicates
panel_logmeanexpLog-mean-exp for panels
panelPompConstructing 'panelPomp' objects
panelPomp_methodsManipulating 'panelPomp' objects
panelPomp-packageInference for PanelPOMPs (Panel Partially Observed Markov...
panelRandomWalkPanel random walk model
paramsManipulating 'panelPomp' object parameter formats
pfilterParticle filtering for panel data
pfilterd-setterModifying parameters of filtered objects
plotpanelPomp plotting facilities
sharedExtract shared parameters from a panelPomp object
shared-setSet shared parameters of a panelPomp object
simulateSimulations of a panel of partially observed Markov process
specificExtract unit-specific parameters from a panelPomp object
specific-setSet unit-specific parameters of a panelPomp object
unitLogLikExtract log likelihood of units of panel models
unitlogLik-deprecated(Deprecated) Extract log likelihood of units of panel models
unitlogLik-pfilterd.ppomp-methodExtract Unit Log-Likelihoods
unit_objectsExtract units of a panel model
wQuotesInterpret shortcuts for 'sQuote()'s and 'dQuote()'s in...
cbreto/panelPomp documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 10:42 p.m.