Man pages for cfhammill/hierarchyTrees
Code for testing taxonomy tree models

add_effectDIncrement volumes
aggregate_volsDRecompute volumes for non-leaf nodes
child_ofCheck parent
compile_modelsCompile a tree model
compute_differencesCompute the difference in beta between parent and child
compute_marg_likCompute marginal information criteria for some bayesian...
compute_subject_errorCompute subject specific sum of squares
create_treeGenerate a simulated tree
edtFit the effect diffusion tree
effect_areasEffect areas
extract_dataGet the data for a model, useful in the case of no-pooling...
extract_yGet the y value for a model, useful in the case of no-pooling...
fitted_eptGet the fitted value from an ept model
fitted_npGet the fitted values from a list of unpooled models
fix_names_and_plotFix node names and plot a tree
get_data_requirementsCheck the data requirements for a stan model
get_ept_resultsExtract the salient results from an ept mod
get_fittedGet the fitted values from bayesian hierarchical linear...
get_fp_resultsExtract the salient results from an stan_glmer model
get_h2sglm_resultsExtract the salient results from an stan_glmer model
get_hsglm_resultsExtract the salient results from an stan_glmer model
get_np_resultsExtract the salient results from an stan_glmer model
get_sglm_resultsExtract the salient results from an stan_glmer model
h0Fit a flat hierarchical model
h1Fit a one-parent hierarchical model
h2Fit a two-parent hierarchical model
logLik_eptCompute the likelihood for a tree model
logLik_ept_noclusterCompute the marginal likelihood of a data point
logLik_npCompute the likelihood for a tree model
logLik_sglm_noclusterCompute the marginal likelihood of a data point
node_numbersGet node numbers
npFit the no-pooling model
npcvFit the no-pooling model with brain volume covaried
parent_indexFind the parent indices for each node
post_predGet posterior predictions from a bayesian hierarchical linear...
pw_effect_loglikEffect likelihoods
requirements_to_skeletonCreate a data skeleton for a model
scale_volumesDScale node volumes up
set_leavesDSet leaves
summarize_modelSummarize a bayesian linear model
tag_volume_frameAssociate metadata with a volume tree frame
tree_to_edt_dataConvert a tree and metadata into useable data for...
tree_to_ept_dataConvert a tree and metadata into useable data for ept data
tree_to_volume_frameConvert a volume tree to a data.frame
tree_to_volume_frame_newConvert a volume tree to a data.frame
cfhammill/hierarchyTrees documentation built on Feb. 8, 2020, 2:54 a.m.