Man pages for chstock/DTComPair
Comparison of Binary Diagnostic Tests in a Paired Study Design

acc.1testAccuracy of a Single Binary Diagnostic Test
acc.pairedAccuracy of Two Binary Diagnostic Tests in a Paired Study...
DLREstimating the Capacity for Improvement in Diagnostic Risk...
dlr.regtestDifferences in Diagnostic Likelihood Ratios
dtcompair-packageComparison of Binary Diagnostic Tests in a Paired Study...
ellipse.pv.rpvElliptical joint confidence region for relative positive and...
generate.pairedGenerate Dataset from "tab.paired"-Object
Paired1DTComPair-dataset 1
print.acc.1testPrint "acc.1test"-Object
print.acc.pairedPrint "acc.paired"-Object "tab.1test"-Object "tab.paired"-Object
pv.gsGeneralized Score Statistic for Comparison of Predictive...
pv.prevCompute predictive values for theoretical prevalences
pv.rpvComparison of Predictive Values using Relative Predictive...
pv.wgsWeighted Generalized Score Statistic for Comparison of... in "tab.1test"-Objects in "tab.paired"-Objects
represent.longLong Representation of Results from Two Binary Diagnostic...
sesp.diff.ciConfidence Intervals for Differences in Sensitivity and...
sesp.exactbinomExact Binomial Test for Differences in Sensitivity and...
sesp.gen.mcnemarGeneralized McNemar's test
sesp.mcnemarMcNemar Test for Comparison of Sensitivities and...
sesp.relComparison of the accuracy of two tests using relative...
tab.1testTabulate Single Binary Diagnostic Test vs. Gold-Standard
tab.pairedTabulate Results from Two Binary Diagnostic Tests in a Paired...
tpffpf.relComparison of the accuracy of two tests using relative true...
chstock/DTComPair documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 3:35 a.m.