Man pages for cimentadaj/essurvey
Download Data from the European Social Survey on the Fly

essurvey-packageessurvey: Download Data from the European Social Survey on...
import_countryDownload integrated rounds separately for countries from the...
import_roundsDownload integrated rounds from the European Social Survey
import_sddf_countryDownload SDDF data by round for countries from the European...
recode_missingsRecode pre-defined missing values as NA
set_emailSave your ESS email as an environment variable
show_countriesReturn available countries in the European Social Survey
show_country_roundsReturn available rounds for a country in the European Social...
show_roundsReturn available rounds in the European Social Survey
show_rounds_countryReturn countries that participated in *all* of the specified...
show_sddf_cntroundsReturn available SDDF rounds for a country in the European...
show_theme_roundsReturn available rounds for a theme in the European Social...
show_themesReturn available themes in the European Social Survey
cimentadaj/essurvey documentation built on Jan. 10, 2022, 2:25 p.m.