Man pages for coletl/coler
Convenience functions and personal templates

comp_colsCompare similarly named columns
detect_dupedTest for duplicates
detect_na_introCheck for coercion's NA introduction
fuzzy_matchLink data.tables by fuzzy string matching
grapes-notin-grapesBinary operator for non-inclusion
ihsInverse hyperbolic sine
lz_padPad with zeroes on the left
mcheckCheck match rates
na_swapSwap out/for missing values
order_substrOrder substrings of a character vector
outliersDetect and remove outliers
prop_naSummarize missing values
read_rdaRead an .rda file and return its contents
rev_setdiffReverse set difference
rm_tmpRemove temporary files
save_listWrite list elements to disk as separate objects
set_colsInternally looped 'set()'
coletl/coler documentation built on May 12, 2021, 9:44 p.m.