Man pages for const-ae/sparseMatrixStats
Summary Statistics for Rows and Columns of Sparse Matrices

colAlls-xgCMatrix-methodCheck if all elements in a row (column) of a matrix-like...
colAnyNAs-xgCMatrix-methodCheck if any elements in a row (column) of a matrix-like...
colAnys-xgCMatrix-methodCheck if any elements in a row (column) of a matrix-like...
colAvgsPerRowSet-xgCMatrix-methodCalculates for each row (column) a summary statistic for...
colCollapse-xgCMatrix-methodExtract one cell from each row (column) of a matrix-like...
colCounts-xgCMatrix-methodCount how often an element in a row (column) of a matrix-like...
colCummaxs-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the cumulative maxima for each row (column) of a...
colCummins-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the cumulative minima for each row (column) of a...
colCumprods-xgCMatrix-methodCalculates the cumulative product for each row (column) of a...
colCumsums-xgCMatrix-methodCalculates the cumulative sum for each row (column) of a...
colDiffs-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the difference between each element of a row...
colIQRDiffs-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the interquartile range of the difference between...
colIQRs-xgCMatrix-methodCalculates the interquartile range for each row (column) of a...
colLogSumExps-xgCMatrix-methodAccurately calculates the logarithm of the sum of...
colMadDiffs-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the mean absolute deviation of the difference...
colMads-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the median absolute deviation for each row...
colMaxs-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the maximum for each row (column) of a matrix-like...
colMeans2-xgCMatrix-methodCalculates the mean for each row (column) of a matrix-like...
colMedians-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the median for each row (column) of a matrix-like...
colMins-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the minimum for each row (column) of a matrix-like...
colOrderStats-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates an order statistic for each row (column) of a...
colProds-xgCMatrix-methodCalculates the product for each row (column) in a matrix
colQuantiles-xgCMatrix-methodCalculates quantiles for each row (column) of a matrix-like...
colRanges-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the minimum and maximum for each row (column) of a...
colRanks-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the rank of the elements for each row (column) of...
colSdDiffs-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the standard deviation of the difference between...
colSds-xgCMatrix-methodCalculates the standard deviation for each row (column) of a...
colSums2-xgCMatrix-methodCalculates the sum for each row (column) of a matrix-like...
colTabulates-xgCMatrix-methodTabulates the values in a matrix-like object by row (column)
colVarDiffs-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the variance of the difference between each...
colVars-xgCMatrix-methodCalculates the variance for each row (column) of a...
colWeightedMads-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the weighted median absolute deviation for each...
colWeightedMeans-xgCMatrix-methodCalculates the weighted mean for each row (column) of a...
colWeightedMedians-dgCMatrix-methodCalculates the weighted median for each row (column) of a...
colWeightedSds-xgCMatrix-methodCalculates the weighted standard deviation for each row...
colWeightedVars-xgCMatrix-methodCalculates the weighted variance for each row (column) of a...
xgCMatrix-classUnion of double and logical column-sparse matrices
const-ae/sparseMatrixStats documentation built on June 15, 2024, 9:36 a.m.