Man pages for coolbutuseless/lofi
Pack and Unpack Bits into Low Fidelity Representations

allocate_float_bitsApproximate algorithm for allocating bits to a float given...
bits_to_dblBits to double
bits_to_int32Convert 32 bits into a a single R 32 bit signed integer value
bits_to_lofiConvert a sequence of 0/1 values (MSB first) to an integer
choice_to_lofiConvert a choice from a list of options to a lofi bit...
dbl_to_bitsConvert a single double precision floating point value to...
dbl_to_lofiPack a double floating point value into fewer than 32 bits.
expect_single_numericExpect the given value to be a single, non-NA numeric value
expect_valid_nbitsValidate 'nbits' to be a proper value
exponent_bits_to_int32Convert an exponent in offset binary format to a 32 bit...
exponent_rangeCalculate the possible range of exponents given the number of...
float_infoWhat can the given float hold?
formula_to_1arg_functionConversion of formula to a 1-arg function
hex_colour_to_lofiQuantize hex colours into a low-bit representation
int32_to_bitsConvert a single R 32-bit signed integer value to bits
int32_to_exponent_bitsConvert a 32 bit signed integer to a floating point exponent...
int32_to_lofiConvert a single R 32-bit signed integer value to a lower bit...
lgl_to_lofiConvert a logical to a lofi representation
lofi_to_bitsConvert a low-bit integer into bit representation
lofi_to_fpUnpack a floating point value into a list
maskCreate an integer to bit-mask the lower 'nbits' of an integer
max_dbl_with_formatDetermine max floating point value with given bit allocation
packPack/Unpack values as low-fidelity representation into a...
pack_integerPack/unpack values of the given type
plot_lofi_paletteDisplay a vector of lofi colours.
plot_paletteDisplay a vector of hex colours.
rgba_vec_to_hex_colourConvert between equivalent 32-bit representations
sanitise_pack_specSanitise a full pack_spec
sanitise_specSanitise an individual spec
sanitise_spec_choiceSanitise a spec for an 'choice'
sanitise_spec_colourSanitise a spec for an 'colour'
sanitise_spec_customSanitise a spec for a 'custom' pack
sanitise_spec_doubleSanitise a spec for a 'double'
sanitise_spec_integerSanitise a spec for a 'integer'
sanitise_spec_logicalSanitise a spec for a 'logical'
sanitise_spec_scaledSanitise a spec for a 'scaled' value
show_bitsShow a representation of the bits in a numeric value
valid_encoded_valueCheck a value fits in the given number of bits
coolbutuseless/lofi documentation built on Nov. 4, 2019, 9:13 a.m.