Man pages for coolbutuseless/smallfactor
Store Factor-Like Objects in Bytes and Bytes

as.bitfactorConvert a standard factor to a bitfactor
as.bytefactorConvert an ordinary factor into a bytefactor
as.character.bytefactorOther representations of a small factor a bytefactor in a data.frame object
as.factor.bitfactorConvert a bitfactor to a factor
as.factor.bytefactorConvert a bytefactor into a regular factor
as.integer.bitfactorconvert bitfactor to integer, numeric and character
bitfactorCreate a bitfactor
bytefactorCreate a bytefactor i.e. a factor backed by a raw byte...
chunkSplit a vector in chunks of size 'n'
pack_into_single_intPack integer values into a single integer
pack_intsPack an unbounded vector of small integers into 'nbit' values...
print.bitfactorPrint a bitfactor
print.bytefactorPrint a bytefactor
sub-.bitfactorSubset a bitfactor
sub-.bytefactorSubset a bytefactor
unpack_from_single_intUnpacka an integer value into a vector of small integers of...
unpack_intsUnpack a 32-bit integer values into a vector of small...
coolbutuseless/smallfactor documentation built on Dec. 19, 2021, 6:04 p.m.