Man pages for corentin-dev/smmR
Simulation, Estimation and Reliability of Semi-Markov Models

availabilityAvailability Function
convolutionDiscrete-time convolution product of f and g (See definition...
failureRateFailure Rate Function
fitmmMaximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) of a k-th order Markov...
fitsmmMaximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) of a semi-Markov chain
get.fMethod to get the conditional sojourn time distribution f
get.HFunction to compute the value of the sojourn time cumulative...
getKernelMethod to get the semi-Markov kernel q
get.KparMethod to get the number of parameters of a Markov or...
get.limitDistributionMethod to get the limit (stationary) distribution
get.NiujFunction giving the value of the counting process Niuj used...
get.PMethod to compute the value of P
getProcessesFunction to compute processes based on a list of sequences
get.psiFunction to compute the value of the matrix-valued function...
get.PyMethod to compute the value of P_{Y}
get.qyMethod to get the semi-Markov kernel q_{Y}
get.stationaryDistributionMethod to get the stationary distribution
is.mmFunction to check if an object is of class 'mm'
is.mmfitFunction to check if an object is of class 'mmfit'
is.smmFunction to check if an object is of class 'smm'
is.smmfitFunction to check if an object is of class 'smmfit'
is.smmnonparametricFunction to check if an object is of class 'smmnonparametric'
is.smmparametricFunction to check if an object is of class 'smmparametric'
maintainabilityMaintainability Function
matrixConvolutionDiscrete-time matrix convolution product (See definition 3.5...
meanRecurrenceTimesMethod to get the mean recurrence times mu
meanSojournTimesMean Sojourn Times Function
mmMarkov model specification
mttfMean Time To Failure (MTTF) Function
mttrMean Time To Repair (MTTR) Function
plot.smmPlot function for an object of class smm
plot.smmfitPlot function for an object of class smmfit
reliabilityReliability Function
setSeedSet the RNG Seed from within Rcpp
simulate.mmSimulates k-th order Markov chains
simulate.mmfitSimulates Markov chains
simulate.smmSimulates semi-Markov chains
simulate.smmfitSimulates semi-Markov chains
smmnonparametricNon-parametric semi-Markov model specification
smmparametricParametric semi-Markov model specification
smmR-packagesmmR : Semi-Markov Models, Markov Models and Reliability
corentin-dev/smmR documentation built on April 14, 2023, 11:36 p.m.