Man pages for csaybar/rgee
R Bindings for Calling the 'Earth Engine' API

eeMain Earth Engine module
ee_as_rasterConvert an Earth Engine (EE) image in a raster object
ee_as_sfConvert an Earth Engine table in a sf object
ee_as_starsConvert an Earth Engine (EE) image in a stars object
ee_as_thumbnailCreate an R spatial gridded object from an EE thumbnail image
ee_check-toolsInterface to check Python and non-R dependencies
ee_clean_containerDelete files from a either Folder or Bucket
ee_clean_credentialsDelete Credentials
ee_clean_pyenvRemove rgee system variables from .Renviron
eedate_to_rdatePass an Earth Engine date object to R
ee_drive_to_localMove results from Google Drive to a local directory
ee_extractExtract values from EE Images or ImageCollections objects
ee_gcs_to_localMove results from Google Cloud Storage to a local directory
ee_getReturn the element at the specified position in a Earth...
ee_get_assethomeGet the Asset home name
ee_get_date_icGet the date of a EE ImageCollection
ee_get_date_imgGet the date of a EE Image
ee_get_earthengine_pathGet the path where the credentials are stored
ee_helpDocumentation for Earth Engine Objects
ee_imagecollection_to_localSave an EE ImageCollection in their local system
ee_image_infoApproximate size of an EE Image object
ee_image_to_assetCreates a task to export an EE Image to their EE Assets.
ee_image_to_driveCreates a task to export an EE Image to Drive.
ee_image_to_gcsCreates a task to export an EE Image to Google Cloud Storage.
ee_InitializeAuthenticate and Initialize Earth Engine
ee_installCreate an isolated Python virtual environment with all rgee...
ee_install_set_pyenvConfigure which version of Python to use with rgee
ee_install_upgradeUpgrade the Earth Engine Python API
ee_manage-toolsInterface for manage the Earth Engine Asset
ee_monitoringMonitoring Earth Engine task progress
ee_printPrint and return metadata about Spatial Earth Engine Objects
ee_table_to_assetCreates a task to export a FeatureCollection to an EE table...
ee_table_to_driveCreates a task to export a FeatureCollection to Google Drive.
ee_table_to_gcsCreates a task to export a FeatureCollection to Google Cloud...
ee_user_infoDisplay the credentials and general info of the initialized...
ee_usersDisplay the credentials of all users as a table
ee_utils_create_jsonConvert a R list into a JSON file
ee_utils_create_manifest_imageCreate a manifest to upload an image
ee_utils_create_manifest_tableCreate a manifest to upload a table
ee_utils_future_valueThe value of a future or the values of all elements in a...
ee_utils_get_crsConvert EPSG, ESRI or SR-ORG code into a OGC WKT
ee_utils_gif_annotateAdd text to a GIF
ee_utils_gif_creatorCreate a GIF from an Earth Engine ImageCollection
ee_utils_gif_saveWrite a GIF
ee_utils_pyfuncWrap an R function in a Python function with the same...
ee_utils_py_to_rConvert between Python and R objects
ee_utils_search_displaySearch into the Earth Engine Data Catalog
ee_utils_shp_to_zipCreate a zip file from a sf object
ee_versionEarth Engine API version
gcs_to_ee_imageMove a GeoTIFF image from GCS to their EE assets
gcs_to_ee_tableMove a zipped shapefile from GCS to their EE Assets
local_to_gcsUpload local files to Google Cloud Storage
MapR6 object (Map) to display Earth Engine (EE) spatial objects
null-defaultEarthEngineMap + EarthEngineMap; adds data from the second...
pipePipe operator Earth Engine object
R6MapR6 class to display Earth Engine (EE) spatial objects
raster_as_eeConvert a Raster* object into an EE Image object
rdate_to_eedatePass an R date object to Earth Engine
rgee-packagergee: R Bindings for Calling the 'Earth Engine' API
sf_as_eeConvert an sf object to an EE object
stars_as_eeConvert a stars or stars-proxy object into an EE Image object
csaybar/rgee documentation built on March 11, 2021, 5:48 a.m.