Man pages for csetraynor/rstanhaz
Bayesian Survival Models (rstanhaz)

ahaz_survAdditive hazard
cox_stepCox model step-wise fitting
gam_matrixMake GAM matrix
generate_stan_dataBayesian proportional hazards regression
generate_stan_data_2Bayesian proportional hazards regression
gen_long_data_backupGenerate surv data for stan
gen_stan_dat_backupGenerate surv data for stan
get_bs2Get brier score
get_ci2Get concordance index
get_cindexGet c-index
get_metricsPredict survival from a stan_surv object
get_plot_framePrepare plot with new dataframe
get_plot.framePrepare plot frame
get_survrocCalculate survival ROC
integrate_tdrocCalculate survival ROC
link_survPredict survival from a stan_surv object
link.survGAMMA poisson link
mod_coxfitModel fitting
pem_survPiecewise exponential
post_survPosterior Hazard
pred_sbmPrediction of survival from model
pred_survPredict survival from a stan_surv object
pred_surv2Predict survival from a stan_surv object
rcsCalculate basis terms for restricted cubic splines
stan_surv_stepBayes model step-wise fitting
str_strataString method for strata in surv analysis
surv_pred_bgamPrediction of Survival probability from a Bayesian model
tdbrierCalculate tdBrier
csetraynor/rstanhaz documentation built on May 9, 2019, 8:14 a.m.