Man pages for csgroen/ggheatmapper
Tile-able heatmaps using ggheatmap and patchwork

add_matrix_trackAdd column tracks as a matrix to a 'ggheatmap'
add_tracksAdd column tracks to a 'ggheatmap'
align_to_hmAlign plot to ggheatmap
annotate_gghmAnnotate rows on gghm
get_dataGet data from ggheatmap
get_hmPlotGet and update heatmap from ggheatmap
ggheatmapPlots a ggplot heatmap
hclust_semisupervisedSemi-supervised hierarchical clustering
tcgaBLCA_exA list with data extracted from the TCGA-BLCA cohort of...
theme_sparseggheatmap additional themes
csgroen/ggheatmapper documentation built on Dec. 3, 2023, 7:32 p.m.