Man pages for ctross/SkewCalc
Estimation Of Reproductive Skew

B_indexB index a la Nonacs.
elastEstimate the elasticity of RS on age.
HPDIHPDI - Stolen from rethinking by R. McElreath
M_indexM index of reproductive skew.
M_index_ageM index accounting for diminishing returns to age.
M_index_from_B_indexCalculate the M index from the B index and relevant data.
M_index_stanM index of reproductive skew using Stan to conduct Bayesian...
Mraw_indexMraw index of reproductive skew.
Mraw_index_ageMraw index accounting for diminishing returns to age.
Mraw_index_from_B_indexCalculate the Mraw index from the B index and relevant data.
PCIPCI - Stolen from rethinking by R. McElreath
SkewCalcSkewCalc: Estimate reproductive skew using Multinomial Index
skew_index_plotSimple posterior density plot for Stan results.
ctross/SkewCalc documentation built on March 18, 2024, 7:49 a.m.