Man pages for dalejbarr/clusterperm
Cluster-Permutation Tests for Time-Series Data from Factorial Experiments

aov_by_binBin-by-bin analysis of variance
cluster_nhdsGenerate null-hypothesis distributions for cluster mass...
detect_clustersDetect clusters and calculate mass statistics
detect_clusters_by_effectDetect clusters and calculate mass statistics for multiple...
dot-eff_signGet the sign of a difference
dot-tidy_anovaRun an analysis of variance
kb07binsVisual-World Eyetracking Data from Kronmüller & Barr (2007)
pipePipe operator
pvalueCalculate permutation p-value from null-hypothesis...
pvaluesCalculate permutation p-values from null-hypothesis...
dalejbarr/clusterperm documentation built on Oct. 29, 2022, 10:01 p.m.