Man pages for danheck/RRreg
Correlation and Regression Analyses for Randomized Response Data

anova.RRlogAnalysis of Deviance for Logistic RR Regression Models
getPWGet Misclassification Matrices for RR Models
minaretsMinaret Data
plot.powerplotPlot power of multivariate RR methods
plot.RRlogPlot Logistic RR Regression
powerplotPower plots for multivariate RR methods
predict.RRlogPredict Individual Prevalences of the RR Attribute
RRcorBivariate correlations including randomized response...
RRgenGenerate randomized response data
RRlinLinear randomized response regression
RRlogLogistic randomized response regression
RRmixedMixed Effects Logistic Regression for RR Data
RRreg-packageCorrelation and Regression Analyses for Randomized Response...
RRsimuMonte Carlo simulation for one or two RR variables
RRuniUnivariate analysis of randomized response data
danheck/RRreg documentation built on Dec. 3, 2022, 7:50 p.m.